Viacheslav PLOTNIKOV
Viacheslav PLOTNIKOV
Art visuel
2 Bd du Jardin Exotique98000 MONACO
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Viacheslav PLOTNIKOV

Viacheslav Plotnikov is the painter of the beauty and elegance of Montecarlo: an artist destined to establish himself for his propensity – we can almost say his vocation – of representing a fairy tale and elective existence. “The Principality of Monaco is a special place: an enchanted place, unique. For a painter it is difficult to resist the magnetic charm of its splendour.
He display the timeless glamour of Grimaldi's country. "Glamour of Monte-Carlo" and "Golden Age" are two series of Monte-Carlo - inspired works. The artist depicted every corner of Casino's Square and it's regular visitors, showing it in the daytime and garlanded with night lights.
“I can find elegance, a dream, poetry: This microcosm is an authentic tribute to beauty. A fairy tale world.” affirms the artist.